Street Soldiers listeners weigh in their thoughts on the 2017 movie of Tupac Shakur.
Dr. Marshall and Ms. Estell’s yearly salute to Fathers
According to African Oral Wisdom, 'They dance as they walk, or they walk as they dance, to the sound of an inner melody,' for we pass through the world around us in quest of a still- remembered harmony. And once again, we invite you to join us as we examine and explore- music. Please stay with us.
Alive & Free Street Soldiers Radio interviews author Pendarvis Harshaw, author of OG Told Me. Raised in Oakland, CA, Harshaw interviews his elders seeking words of wisdom, listen to his journey!
You can reach Penn at @OGPenn on Instagram & Twitter!
Alive & Free Street Soldiers Radio is excited to introduce you to this year's boys group from Paul Revere Elementary! Dr. Marshall, Ms. Estell, and Mr. Aikins have taught the boys in a weekly group working on reading, writing, and life skills. The boys are excited to share what they learned in the classroom with you!