According to African Oral Wisdom, 'They dance as they walk, or they walk as they dance, to the sound of an inner melody,' for we pass through the world around us in quest of a still- remembered harmony. And once again, we invite you to join us as we examine and explore- music. Please stay with us.
Alive & Free Street Soldiers Radio is excited to introduce you to this year's boys group from Paul Revere Elementary! Dr. Marshall, Ms. Estell, and Mr. Aikins have taught the boys in a weekly group working on reading, writing, and life skills. The boys are excited to share what they learned in the classroom with you!
Alive & Free Street Soldiers Radio interviews author Pendarvis Harshaw, author of OG Told Me. Raised in Oakland, CA, Harshaw interviews his elders seeking words of wisdom, listen to his journey!
You can reach Penn at @OGPenn on Instagram & Twitter!
WHAT: 106 KMEL, the No.1 Station For Hip Hop and R&B in the Bay Area, and the producers of the weekly radio show Street Soldiers will host the second 106 KMEL Street Soldiers Live Town Hall to address violence in the community and to help improve the relationship between the relationship between local police and youth. The event’s theme, “Community & Police Relations Part 2: How Do We Make It Better?” will focus on the changes made by law enforcement in the recent months to improve tension between the community and police, as well as citizens’ rights.
Dr. Joseph E. Marshall, community activist and on-air personality of the Street Soldiers show, will moderate the discussion. Town hall panelists will include San Francisco Police Department Chief William Scott, Oakland Police Department (OPD) Captain Sekou Millington, OPD Lieutenant Bobby Hookfin, Lisa Katz from the San Francisco Office of the Public Defender, Manny Fortes from San Francisco’s Department of Police Accountability (DPA), and Anthony Finnell from the Oakland Citizen Police Review Board. In addition, the town hall will feature guests from youth focused organizations Alive & Free, Mo Magic, Ryse Center, Bay Area Peacekeepers and youth from the Bay Area.
Street Soldiers Radio shares notes our Omega students wrote to their parents as well as stories from our callers during Mother's Day.
The Community Ambassadors was created in 2010 as a community safety and neighborhood engagement job training program. Developed and operated by the Office of Civic Engagement & Immigration Affairs, they hire and train neighborhood residents to provide a visible, street-smart safety presence in targeted neighborhoods.
We also talk with Diaunte Thompson, director of A Hundred Blocks, about when a young man tries to escape the cycle of violence and leave the streets behind, he finds himself at a crossroads as unexpected events change his plans.
Street Soldiers Radio talks about the Netflix movie, Burning Sands, which gives us a peek into fraternity pledge week.
We interview the playwrights and actors of the upcoming play, the Richmond Renaissance. These young people are inspiring!
Operation Genesis took 14 youth from the Bayview Hunter's Point district share their stories after their trip to Ghana, Africa.
We chat with Dr. Phillip Coffin about the Opioid Epidemic.
Street Soldiers Radio discusses the movie Get Out.
Street Soldiers Radio talks about domestic violence.
This week, we talk about how we treat women by the names we use.
We talk about how we value women in our lives and in history.
Also, Larry Dorsey shares details about his trip to Colombia.
We are celebrating Alive & Free Omega Boys Club's 30th Anniversary. Listen to how we began our mission to keep our community violence free!
We talk about our history as move from Africa to America.
We also have special guests from the step team, Urban Heat Academy.
Look around you child, Your creation is everywhere. Though painted, distorted, and given new names, they bear your prints just the same. So sharpen your eyes. Tune your ears, so you'll know what you see, understand what you hear. Your creation is everywhere. Please tune in.
Special Guest Azariah Cole-Shepard, Oakland Youth Poet Laureate
According to African Oral Wisdom, 'When deeply rooted, one is prepared fro every opening'; and tonight we invite you to join in with us as we become more rooted and grounded in a glorious 'History in Black'.
A Street Soldiers Goodbye to President Barack Obama & First Lady Michelle Obama. Also an interview of members of Alive & Free as the club celebrates its 30th anniversary. Phone guest-- Jermaine King.
Dr. Marshall and the Street Soldiers crew discuss the post inauguration Women's March on Washington and similar marches around the country.
What about Dr. King's life legacy was powerful, empowering, and inspiring for you? Also listeners thoughts about the movie Hidden Figures.
Lessons learned from 2016 that are being carried over to 2017. Also, listeners share their thoughts about the movie Fences.