Street Soldiers Radio asks our guests what keeps them doing right and what keeps them from doing wrong as we celebrate our 2023 radio show guests and their stories.
A Conversation About the Impact of Hate and Bullying on Youth. Guests: Mitzi Perez-Caro, Juan Cabrera,
Willow Martinez Gomez, Sasha Abigana, Betzy Ruiz Moncada, Aaliyah Hanvey and Janna Nievarez.
Street Soldiers Radio celebrates our 31st Anniversary of stopping the violence with conversation over the radio airwaves with our guests and audience on 106.1 KMEL/iHeartRadio. Guests: LaShara Johnson, Johnnie Dempsey, Vanessa Russell, Jamaal Kizzee, Michelle Phillips, Stan Logwood, Sadio Simon, and Llowellyn Syce.
This Thanksgiving, what are you thankful for? Our callers share what they are grateful for and what they're eating this holiday.
We are also joined by Gus Smith who shares about his daughter's achievement- the movie Kemba is being premiere across the world as it explores the life of Kemba Smith-Pradia and as a sheltered college student who falls in love with a man, only to learn he is a drug kingpin, finds herself in the middle of the government’s “war on drugs.”
A family’s journey. Loving and caring for someone with Autism.
Guests: Gary Hall and Ryan Hall.
The more you know, the more you owe is a Coachism our students live by. Alive & Free collegian and University of Chicago junior Jyairrah Martin introduces us to her students on our latest episode of Street Soldiers Radio.
Guests: Jyairrah Martin, Jayden Johnson, Bria St. Clair, Uchenna Nnawuchi, Yaa Agyena, Trinity Leflore, Zoe Snelling, Xenia Martin, LaNiya Jordan and Bricen Ward.
Learn more at
Open Lines and Alive & Free Training Participants
Donald Lacy joins us with the LoveLife Foundation who is committed to promoting life and saving lives through community revitalization, leadership and development.
Author Dr. Tarramazz Harris shares insight of an urban rapper who navigated his way through a journey of becoming a black doctor/clinical psychologist.
In the documentary HAZING, award-winning filmmaker Byron Hurt lifts the veil on secret underground rituals that are often dehumanizing, abusive and sometimes deadly. Street Soldiers sits down with Byron Hurt and the families from his documentary to share their experiences with hazing.
Together we can end Human Trafficking. We discuss with our guests:
Vanessa Russell—Founder-Love Never Fails
Dr. Jennifer Lyle—Executive Director-MISSSEY
Betty Ann Hagenau—Founder/Executive Director-BAATC (Bay Area Anti Trafficking Coalition)
We dive deep into the hard conversation of mental health and suicide prevention.
Guests: Jamaal Kizziee LMFT, LaShara Johnson and Dr. Brendan Collins-Bride.
Street Soldiers Radio continues our discussion about parenthood as our callers share their observations, personal experiences and more.
Tune in every Sunday at 8pm PST on 106.1 KMEL/iHeart Radio and watch us on
Street Soldiers Radio asked our callers to share their thoughts and experiences with parenting with guests LaShara Johnson and Jamaal Kizzee.
How has life changed for you after Covid-19?
Dr. Andre Campbell, Trauma Surgeon & Clinical Educator joins Street Soldiers Radio to discuss the latest updates on Covid.
We also take questions from our callers who share their experiences and concerns with Street Soldiers Radio.
Erika Lazo, author of My Covid Diary: Reflections of Childhood, Parenthood and Loss During COVID, joins us to share her journaling project that turned into a book chronicling her experiences during the pandemic.
Street Soldiers Radio airs Sundays at 8pm PST on 106.1 KMEL/iHeartMedia andstreams live on
Street Soldiers Radio is joined by guests Ashanti Branch, Johnathan Pugh Jr. and Wenceslao Soto with a discussion about men, masculinity and the emotional masks.
The Ever Forward Club was founded by Ashanti Branch in 2004 at San Lorenzo High School. While teaching mathematics, Branch observed the young men of color in his classes moving backward academically. After inviting a group of these students to have lunch with him once a week to teach him to be a better teacher, these young men began to reveal that being smart was perceived as being “uncool,” and that challenges in their personal life kept them from making school a priority.
Branch decided to serve these young men as a mentor, and launched the first Ever Forward Club as a support program where at-risk young men could gather over lunch in a mentor-led safe environment, process emotions, and sustain each other through their struggles.
How much progress have we made since Ferguson, MO?
Guests: Paul Henderson Executive Director
San Francisco Office of Police Accountability and Michelle Phillips Inspector General City of Oakland.
Meet the Kings Accountability Group-an organization that provides professional development and mentoring services to improve the lives of others.
Guests: Victor Johnson, Terrance Howard and Dr. Joe Cannon.
Also a conversation with USF Professor of Politics James Taylor
about the Trump indicments.
Ms. Estell and Ms. Demetra’s 2023 College Prep Class in the house.
"Nothing is more valuable than my life,” is new Alive & Free Collegian
Gabrielle Grice's favorite Coachsim.
Street Soldiers Radio shared the stories of two Alive & Free Omegas- one from then, and one from now. Two of my favorite guys- USF professor Dr. Reginold Daniels and USF college student Aaron Meneses joined us to share their stories. Some get it right away and some get it sooner or later….and when they both got it! The message is simple. Never give up on yourself! The past doesn’t matter. It’s never to late to become the person you are meant to be.
Multiple studies have found a strong link between heavy social media and an increased risk for depression, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm, and even suicidal thoughts. Street Soldiers Radio discusses the impact of social media on our mental health with health professionals Jamal Kizzee LMFT, Sabrina Robertson LCSW and LaShara Johnson.
Community members who were born and raised in California's East Palo Alto share their memories, history and achievements as we celebrate the 40 year anniversary of EPA.
“I got to see a glimpse of EPA prior to the 90’s and the late 80s. It was just like you closed your door one night and opened it in and it was like night and day. I grew up in a predominantly black community and businesses were owned by black folks. I can clearly recall going to our local corner store and if I even attempted to act a fool, ‘I’m going to tell your uncle’ and that straightened me out real quick,” shares Ms. Demetra Jones as she reminisces on growing up in East Palo Alto.
Street Soldiers Radio talks about the recent Supreme Court decisions on affirmative action and student loans.
Also a conversation with participants inthe Alive & Free Prescription Training.
Guest: Stanford Law Professor Rick Banks.
Call in at 1-877-955-1061 to share your thoughts.
Street Soldiers Radio Special Celebration: 50 Years of Hip Hop!
Guests: Jermaine King, Justin Boyle, Kareem Ervin, Jyairrah Martin, DeVitta Briscoe, G Biz and more.
"Hip hop was like a force that took over the planet." shares the Soul. "I remember being in the 6th grade and noticing that there was this whole new thing that was happening. With me, it started with the break dancing. You had to be there in the 70's and 80's to realize how big breakdancing was."
Join Street Soldiers Radio as we celebrate the joys of fatherhood with callers, guests Elgin Rose and Khalid White and our Alive & Free alumni.
"Fatherhood was the single greatest thing I did," shares Paul.
"I'm here to make sure that I win for my son and my wife," shares Omari.